Keeping Your animals Healthy and Happy Without Overspending
About Me
Keeping Your animals Healthy and Happy Without Overspending

Hello, my name is Catherine. I have long loved animals and have had several of my own over the years. Sadly, I saw two of my cats suffer with feline cancer, one of my dogs had arthritis, and, of course, we faced the usual calamities and injuries pets often face. However, I have had to navigate this on a relatively restricted budget, and through the years, I have gotten quite proficient at that. I work at a library and love doing research on pets and veterinary care as well as a range of other topics. I also love to write so decided to put my info in a blog. Please, explore and enjoy!

Keeping Your animals Healthy and Happy Without Overspending

Vet Services | 4 Telltale Signs That Indicate Your Dog May Be Sick

Ellen Lampi

Your dog cannot speak to you if he is sick, so he's most likely to demonstrate any sickness through behaviour changes, physical symptoms and other signs. A pet dog's body language is exceptionally articulate, so pay attention to his habits as a responsible pet owner. When you get to know your dog better, you'll be able to notice signs of sickness more easily. If you come across any of these symptoms, be sure to take prompt action by visiting a vet to nurse your dog back to good health.

Behaviour Changes in Your Dog

A change of behaviour in your dog is one of the most common signs of sickness. As a pet owner, you probably know your dog well, so if he's behaving oddly, it's most likely because he's trying to tell you something. Behaviour changes could include unprovoked irritability, sluggish lethargy, unwarranted agitation and excessive clinginess. This could be because your dog is suffering from fever, pain or some other sickness. Keep in mind that dogs don't just suddenly change their behaviour, so if you notice any changes, be sure to take your dog to the vet immediately.  

Problems with Breathing

If your dog has suffered from a persistent cough for over a day or is experiencing blood-dripping nasal discharge, you'll need to call the vet immediately because it could be a sign of imminent respiratory sickness. Wheezing, difficult breathing and noisy breathing are also signs that your dog is suffering from some respiratory trouble. Check the colour of your dog's tongue –– it should always be pink. A bluish tint may require the services of an emergency vet for immediate care.

Recurring Stomach Problems

Every dog vomits at some point, which could be from eating too many treats or from scavenging off the garden. Repeated vomiting that lasts for more than a day or prolonged abdominal pain indicate that your dog's sickness may be more serious than you think. If your healthy pet dog is suffering from appetite loss, swelling and blood-dripped vomiting, be sure to visit a vet immediately to identify the problem. A distended tummy and repeated vomiting could be life threatening if not treated immediately.

Problem with Elimination  

If you notice increased urine frequency, urine trouble and defecating trouble, it could be because your dog is suffering from some type of urinary tract infection, inflammatory bowel disease, constipation or some unknown injury. Consult with your vet immediately to get to the root cause of this problem.

If you notice any of these signs of sickness in your dog, be a responsible pet owner and get your vet to check your dog immediately.
