Keeping Your animals Healthy and Happy Without Overspending
About Me
Keeping Your animals Healthy and Happy Without Overspending

Hello, my name is Catherine. I have long loved animals and have had several of my own over the years. Sadly, I saw two of my cats suffer with feline cancer, one of my dogs had arthritis, and, of course, we faced the usual calamities and injuries pets often face. However, I have had to navigate this on a relatively restricted budget, and through the years, I have gotten quite proficient at that. I work at a library and love doing research on pets and veterinary care as well as a range of other topics. I also love to write so decided to put my info in a blog. Please, explore and enjoy!

Keeping Your animals Healthy and Happy Without Overspending

How to Keep your Pet Tick-Free

Ellen Lampi

Ticks are small animals that feed on the blood of mammals and birds. They cause a variety of infections including Lyme disease, tick paralysis and Ehrlichiosis. Ticks also irritate the skin of affected animals, thus making them uncomfortable. In this excerpt, you will learn how to keep your pet tick-free.

Know the tick season. 

Ticks love warm climates. Therefore, you should be most vigilant during the spring and summer seasons. The warm environment prompts your pet to go out and play. He or she may acquire ticks from bushes or other pets. Regularly inspect your pet for tick infestation during this period.

Keep your pet clean. 

Clean your pet at least twice a week to prevent tick infestation. Inspect the skin for the presence of ticks. If you spot a tick, rub the area with antiseptic and use tweezers to remove the tick. After removing the tick, clean the area with antiseptic to prevent the wound from getting a bacterial infection. The best way to get rid of ticks is by burning them. This will prevent the parasite from laying eggs in your home or compound. 

Clear bushes.

Ticks live in areas with dense vegetation. Here, female ticks lay thousands of eggs that will develop into seed ticks. Seed ticks feed on small animals such as rodents. They later develop into adult ticks, which you will find on dogs, cats and livestock. During the tick season, clear bushes on your property and regularly mow your grass. 

Tick prevention products. 

There are a variety of tick prevention products available in the market today. The product that you purchase should kill and repel the parasites. Preferably, seek advice from your vet or ask for recommendations from other pet lovers. Do not use tick collars if your pet loves to swim or play with their tongue. The product is toxic and will cause problems if ingested.

Seek vet services. 

Ask your vet to vaccinate your pet against tick-borne diseases such as Lyme disease. Your vet will also provide you with brochures detailing the symptoms of various tick-borne diseases. If you notice any of the symptoms, take your pet to a veterinary clinic. 

Ticks bites are also dangerous to humans. They can cause allergic reactions or diseases. Call an exterminator if you think that your home has a severe tick infestation. 

Ticks cause discomfort and a variety of acute infections on your pet. To prevent ticks, know the tick season, keep your pet clean, clear bushes around your home, use tick prevention products and seek vet services.
