Keeping Your animals Healthy and Happy Without Overspending
About Me
Keeping Your animals Healthy and Happy Without Overspending

Hello, my name is Catherine. I have long loved animals and have had several of my own over the years. Sadly, I saw two of my cats suffer with feline cancer, one of my dogs had arthritis, and, of course, we faced the usual calamities and injuries pets often face. However, I have had to navigate this on a relatively restricted budget, and through the years, I have gotten quite proficient at that. I work at a library and love doing research on pets and veterinary care as well as a range of other topics. I also love to write so decided to put my info in a blog. Please, explore and enjoy!

Keeping Your animals Healthy and Happy Without Overspending

  • Winter Blahs: Two Tips To Perk Up Your Cat's Mood!

    24 May 2016

    Colder days and longer nights make winter one of the least popular seasons of the year, and it is not only humans that feel this way. Have you noticed that your cat has got much less spring in their step than normal? This is because cats can suffer from the winter blahs just like their owners, but there are a couple of steps you can take to help chase their blues away.

  • Cat Adoption Tips: How to Find a Cat With the Right Personality

    5 February 2016

    Like people, cats all have different personalities. If you're thinking about adopting a cat, it's important to make sure that you pick one with which you can build a two-way loving relationship. It's also worth thinking about the kind of home environment you'll offer your new pet to make sure that it is a good match for its temperament. Don't Judge a Cat by its Picture Many cat adoption facilities put up photos of their cats on their websites.

  • How to Check Your Dog's Vital Signs

    14 December 2015

    Although your vet clinic will probably provide 24-hour emergency vet services, it's a good idea to know how to check your dog's vital signs yourself. If you know what's 'normal' for your pet, you will be better able to know when something is wrong and the vet will be better able to assess the animal's condition in the event of an emergency by comparing the readings.  Before you start When you check your dog's vitals, choose a time when he's quiet and relaxed.

  • Dog Vaccinations – What Is DHPPV?

    6 November 2015

    DHPPV is one of the most common vaccines for dogs. There are different variations in terms of name, some of which include DA2PPV or even DHPPV-C. In any case, the vaccine is widely known as the "Distemper Parvo" vaccine. While there may be some differences in their abbreviations, you can generally tell what exactly is inside the vaccine itself by looking at the letters in the abbreviation. The First Letter in DHPPV signifies Distemper

  • Happy New Year! Stress-Free Celebrations For Your Pets

    30 October 2015

    New Year celebrations are undoubtedly great fun for you and for your family, but your pets might not be quite so enamoured with the cracks, flashes and bangs of midnight fireworks.  But how can your vet help?  Read on to find out more. Preparation The key to a stress-free New Year for your pets is to prepare in good time.  Your vet may be able to provide you with a number of options to help your pet to cope with the stress that loud noises can cause.